Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The sun will come out... in April :(

Well, sad to say, winter is upon us, which means cold and flu season is right around the corner. Now that my daughter is in preschool, she's even more susceptible to germs. One of the best defenses against colds and the flu is Vitamin D! Since the sun is long gone until spring, the next best thing is Biotecs Research Bio-D Mulsion. You can purchase on healthdesigns.com.

I swear by this!! My doctor gave it to me last year and as soon as I started giving it to my daughter, she stopped getting a runny nose. There are two different doses, 400 IU and 2000 IU, at the recommendation of my doctor, I give my 3 year old 800 IU's per day and my 1 year old 400 IU's per day. You have to be careful because excess Vitamin D can cause health problems, so I would recommend consulting your pediatrician before giving it to your kids, but seriously consider this for yourself and your kids!


  1. Sounds interesting thanks for sharing! Especially since M was home from school with a runny nose and cough yesterday..... But are you doing this because they don't get their vitamin D from cow's milk? M still likes to drink alot of milk....

  2. i was at the dr. today and forgot to ask and meant to ... A caught M's cold and got an ear infection.... :(. I'll have to remember at her ear check! :)
